Question: With our slow elevators it takes 15 minutes for me to get from my desk to the nursing room. I don’t want to draw attention to myself by complaining. What are my options?
Answer: Congratulations, new mom, and continued success in your career. I can appreciate your desire to not draw attention to your situation. One of the new moms I counsel works in a company that’s pressed for space. After making the trek from her desk to the nursing room she discovered that it was being used routinely by guys as a workspace. The most important perspective for you is to realize that you are not alone and that other nursing moms are being inconvenienced, too.
Let me take the liberty of quoting Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful [inconvenienced new moms] can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Here are some questions to ask in advance of Mother’s Day:
- Do you know the new moms or moms with young children in your department? If yes, what is their advice?
- Are you expanding your work network? Are you including new dads?
- What are the amenities that will allow your workplace to be family friendly? Is HR aware/current?
- Will your manager view your trek to the nursing room as a personal complaint or as an opportunity to improve the workplace?
NOTE: Staying under the radar is rarely a good strategy if you want to be promoted. Think “out of sight, out of mind.” Stay visible, expand your network and tap into the wisdom and experience of new dads and mom. Happy Mothers Day!