Monthly Archives: January 2015

Who Can I Trust?

A.    I am an executive assistant and when my boss moved to a new firm, I moved with her.  Unfortunately, gossip and cliques are rampant here. I have always been able to socialize at work and maybe I got spoiled … Continue reading

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Stick to Love

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What Would Martin Luther King Do?

Q:  Martin Luther King Day is a floating holiday in our law firm and, although I have worked on this day in the past, this year feels different.  I am one of three black attorneys and I hope to make … Continue reading

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Skip the Resolutions — Pick a Word

Q.  I am trying to think positive and stick to my 2015 New Year’s resolutions, but I admit I haven’t had success in the past achieving the things I really want.  Should I keep trying?  A.  It sounds like “trying” … Continue reading

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Make each day count

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