I Am Mentally Exhausted

Mentally_exhausQ.  As far as I am concerned, December is finished and I am not motivated to start anything new. Truth be told:  I am mentally exhausted.  Is it OK to coast until the end of the month and begin 2015 with a bang?

A.  Thanks for your candid comment.  You are not alone.  Many of my clients are reporting the same sentiment:  Whew! The rhythm of our personal and professional lives gets off kilter as our thoughts about year-end begin when jingle bells and wreaths are hung before Halloween.  The traditional five weeks beginning after Thanksgiving has doubled to almost 10 weeks of “holiday cheer” and yes, it can be exhausting to manage.  To cope with the expectations and your emotions, consider the following:

  • Have you fallen into the holiday “hype”?  If yes, be alert, be mindful and follow your our schedule and plan, not the one on TV.Holiday Hype
  • How will coasting until December effect on your integrity and standard of excellence?
  • When you say you are “mentally exhausted,” what exactly do you mean?  Are you tired and sleep deprived?  Are you out of ideas?  Or, have you lost interest or focus? Are you depressed?
  • What can you do to make the next three weeks valuable and meaningful?

Don’t forget to be kind to yourself and watch your health.  If you are tired—rest!  Don’t try to power through.  Starting 2015 with a bang is the perfect way to set the stage for success.  Align your goals and priorities now and it’s likely that when you put yourself first it will be energizing.


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