Help me, I am bored

boredQuestion:  Each day is rolling into the next. If I have to go to one more non-productive meeting, I think I’ll scream. What can I do?

Answer:   Are you curious? If the answer is yes, ask, “What can I do to make this meeting interesting and productive?” If you are bored, it’s the result of inaction, not action.  I view curiosity as a form of action or engagement.  Curiosity is defined as a strong desire to know more about something or someone.  Consider the following:

  • Why are you attending the meeting?  What is the benefit to you? What are you contributing?
  • What are the areas of curiosity that you have about your business and/or about your business colleagues and clients?
  • How are you contributing value to the meeting?  To your organization?
  • What can you do to make each day challenging? Fulfilling? Successful?  Note:  to answer this question you need to know what you contribute and value it.
  • What are you doing to grow professionally?  To stay challenged?

Note:  If you are over the age of 12 there is no excuse for being bored.  The good news is that it is up to you to create the quality of life, engagement, challenge and variety that Get curiousturns you on and lights you up.  Stop waiting and start living.

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