Are you using your influence

influenceYou have figured out by now that formal authority is overrated as a tool for getting things done. You may direct a team reporting to you, but don’t over-use this authoritative approach. Let’s face it, you can only delegate and direct a portion of your work. The way to succeed in organizational life is through cooperating and collaborating with others. Your ability to influence is what really extends your reach.

Influence is the tool that enables you to take advantage of your access. As you move up or laterally in your organization your ability to influence will be the key to your success. Through your influence, you can frame important issues your way, win support for your projects and ideas, and contribute to important decisions. Are you taking advantage of the sphere of influence your new role affords? Your influence depends on several key qualities, abilities, relevanceor knowledge bases, all of which you can develop further:

1 Your ability to analyze a situation quickly and accurately in a way that others are able to understand and make actionable

2 Your ability to assess the strategic impact or direction in measurable terms that others are able to understand and make actionable

3 Your credibility based on your record of success and accomplishments

4 Your access to the markets, to sources of information, to key clients and other sources of value.

You will derive the maximum benefit from your new role if you adeptly leverage your new access and influence to mobilize people and resources to meet and exceed organizational gtst-book_logo-5_2016metrics.

From Chapter 8, page 67

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