WHAAT! It isn’t free

WhatQ:  I said “yes” when my friend invited me to a gala—then she asked me to pay  $350.00 for the ticket!  I was aghast.  I thought that she was inviting me in return for the dinners, NBA games and weekends on the Jersey Shore that she and her husband have attended as my guest.   What now?

A. This is a dicey situation, especially if you have a role in which your friend has come to believe that the tickets you have shared with her are free for you and therefore carry no financial obligation. However, even this thinking would be a stretch if you include spending time with you on the Jersey Shore.  A few questions come to mind:

  • How robust is your relationship?  Are you able to say—“I misunderstood …?”
  • How have your “guests” demonstrated their appreciation in the past?
  • Is the event a fundraiser?  Is your friend a member of the Board?  Development Committee?  If yes, how does this invitation fit with other events? Do you wish to support the organization?

Etiquette experts would disparage inviting anyone to any event that carries a price tag, as 2015-awards-gala-blogyour friend has done. But those same experts would encourage you to come up with a gracious response regardless of your friend’s gaffe.

Remember that almost every situation can be resolved with honest and authentic communications, especially in close relationships.  Why not say “WHAAAT—I thought that the ticket was free,” and then free yourself to attend the event or not attend.


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