Q: I generally view things positively and give my colleagues the benefit of the doubt. We have a new boss and the glass is never half-full, it is always half-empty. The morale of our group is going down the drain. Should I say something to my manager?
A: This is a tricky question especially if the manager is the source of the decline in moral. And, I must admit that it is rare that a manager with lackluster people skills is given the opportunity to run a group, so I feel your pain. What to do? Tread carefully and consider:
- Has there been a negative change in the business metrics to accompany the decline in morale? If yes, who has noticed the change?
- Are high potentials or experienced talent heading for the door? Are competitors viewing your organization as ripe for “poaching”?
- Do you have a trusted advocate, mentor or sponsor that is senior to your manager? Is it appropriate for you to have a confidential conversation with him or her about the situation?
Note: Bad behavior rarely goes unnoticed, especially when morale impacts retention or business results. Don’t get distracted and let your performance dip. Wait for time to take its toll on your manager and stay the course.