Q: I got my emotional intelligence [EQ] score back and now I am really upset. I always knew that I needed to work on my people skills but here it is in black in white: I got a low score in relationship management, defined as “limiting my effectiveness.” Is my situation worse than I thought?
A: When it comes to real estate, it’s “location, location, location”; when it comes to success at work, it’s “relationship, relationship, relationship”! The good news is that you are aware of the gap and you probably have specific opportunities where you can enhance your effectiveness by improving or deepening relationships. Right? Don’t despair about your EQ score, take action:
- How well do you know your key stakeholders? Note: take the time now to develop or deepen relationships.
- How well do your key stakeholders know you?
- Are you approachable? Likable?
- Are you sharing your know-how or knowledge?
- What do your colleagues and/or clients know about your personal life? Note: Share personal information, not private information.
Note: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that relationship building is taking time away from work. Relationships are the currency of work—make the investment.